J Caring Sci. 2012;1(4): 209-214.
doi: 10.5681/jcs.2012.029
PMID: 25276697
PMCID: PMC4161085
  Abstract View: 2284
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Original Research

Self-Care Behaviors among Patients with Heart Failure in Iran

Vahid Zamanzadeh 1, Leila Valizadeh 1, Fatemeh Jamshidi*, Hossein Namdar, Ahdieh Maleki
*Corresponding Author: Email: jam_fa@yahoo.com


Introduction: Recovery from heart failure and dealing with its effects is significantly influenced by patient’s self-care. In order to maximize the effects of behavioral interventions and for educational planning, it is essential to know how much experience and information do patients with heart failure have about their disease and self-care behaviors. The present study aimed to identify self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure. Methods: Eighty heart failure patients hospitalized in Shahid Madani Training Center in Tabriz, Iran, participated in this study. Data collection was done through Self-Care of Heart Failure Index (SCHFI) that contained 22 questions in three sections including self-care behaviors, self-care management and confidence in performing self-care behaviors. Results: The patient’s self-care behaviors in three behavioral sub categories of maintaining, managing and confidence were low. The most repeated self-care behavior in the participating patients was taking medication and visiting the doctor. Conclusion: The results of the study showed low levels of self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure, which notes the need for patient empowerment. It is necessary to develop appropriate strategies in this regard by the authorities
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Submitted: 26 Nov 2012
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