J Caring Sci. 2013;2(1): 19-26.
doi: 10.5681/jcs.2013.003
PMID: 25276706
PMCID: PMC4161105
  Abstract View: 1883
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Assessment of Sound Levels in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Tabriz, Iran

Sousan Valizadeh, Mohammad Bagher Hosseini, Nasrinsadat Alavi*, Malihe Asadollahi, Siamak Kashefimehr
*Corresponding Author: Email: nalavi88@yahoo.com


Introduction: High levels of sound have several negative effects, such as noise-induced hearing loss and delayed growth and development, on premature infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). In order to reduce sound levels, they should first be measured. This study was performed to assess sound levels and determine sources of noise in the NICU of Alzahra Teaching Hospital (Tabriz, Iran). Methods: In a descriptive study, 24 hours in 4 workdays were randomly selected. Equivalent continuous sound level (Leq), sound level that is exceeded only 10% of the time (L10), maximum sound level (Lmax), and peak instantaneous sound pressure level (Lzpeak) were measured by CEL-440 sound level meter (SLM) at 6 fixed locations in the NICU. Data was collected using a questionnaire. SPSS13 was then used for data analysis. Results: Mean values of Leq, L10, and Lmax were determined as 63.46 dBA, 65.81 dBA, and 71.30 dBA, respectively. They were all higher than standard levels (Leq < 45 dB, L10 ≤50 dB, and Lmax ≤65 dB). The highest Leq was measured at the time of nurse rounds. Leq was directly correlated with the number of staff members present in the ward. Finally, sources of noise were ordered based on their intensity. Conclusion: Considering that sound levels were higher than standard levels in our studied NICU, it is necessary to adopt policies to reduce sound.
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Submitted: 26 Feb 2013
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