J Caring Sci. 2013;2(3): 177-185.
doi: 10.5681/jcs.2013.022
PMID: 25276725
PMCID: PMC4134157
  Abstract View: 4110
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Original Research

A Standardized Shift Handover Protocol: Improving Nurses’ Safe Practice in Intensive Care Units

Javad Malekzadeh, Seyed Reza Mazluom, Toktam Etezadi*, Alireza Tasseri
*Corresponding Author: Email: Etezadit1@mums.ac.ir


Introduction: For maintaining the continuity of care and improving the quality of care, effective inter-shift information communication is necessary. Any handover error can endanger patient safety. Despite the importance of shift handover, there is no standard handover protocol in our healthcare settings. Methods In this one-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study conducted in spring and summer of 2011, we recruited a convenience sample of 56 ICU nurses. The Nurses’ Safe Practice Evaluation Checklist was used for data collection. The Content Validity Index and the inter-rater correlation coefficient of the checklist was 0.92 and 89, respectively. We employed the SPSS 11.5 software and the Mc Nemar and paired-samples t test for data analysis. Results: Study findings revealed that nurses’ mean score on the Safe Practice Evaluation Checklist increased significantly from 11.6 (2.7) to 17.0 (1.8) (P < 0.001). Conclusion: using a standard handover protocol for communicating patient’s needs and information improves nurses’ safe practice in the area of basic nursing care.
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Submitted: 27 Feb 2013
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