J Caring Sci. 2014;3(1): 11-19.
doi: 10.5681/jcs.2014.002
PMID: 25276744
PMCID: PMC4134167
  Abstract View: 3322
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Original Research

The Relationship Between Social Support and Adherence of Dietary and Fluids Restrictions among Hemodialysis Patients in Iran

Shahnaz Ahrari 1, Mahdi Moshki 2*, Mahnaz Bahrami 3

1 Social Development & Health Promotion Research Center, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran
2 Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Social Development & Health Promotion Research Center, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran
3 Social Development & Health Promotion Research Center, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: drmoshki@gmail.com


Introduction: Patient’s noncompliance dietary and fluids intake can lead to a build-up of toxic fluids and metabolic end-products in the blood stream which may result in an increased morbidity and premature death. The aim of the study is investigate relationship between the social support and adherence to dietary and fluid restrictions in hemodialysis patients. Methods: In this correlational study upon 237 hemodialysis patients, the data was collected with the dialysis diet and fluids non-adherences hemodialysis questionnaire (DDFQ), and the multidimensional scale of perceived Social Support (MSP). Interdialytic weight gain, predialytic serum potassium levels, and predialytic serum phosphate levels was considered as biochemical indicators of dietary and fluid adherence. Data were analyzed by SPSS Ver.11.5. Results: About 41.1% of patients reported non-adherence to diet and 45.2% of them reported non-adherence to fluid. Frequency of non-adherence to fluid was more common in patients. The highest level of perceived support was the family support 11.19 (1.34). There was a significant relationship between social support and adherence to dietary and fluid restrictions. Noncompliances to dietary and fluid restrictions were related to laboratory results. Conclusion: This way those patients who more supported had more adherences of diet and fluid restrictions and had lower level of phosphorus and potassium in laboratory results. Nurses have the main role to identify different methods providing social support for patients, also to encourage the families to support their hemodialysis patients.
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Submitted: 26 Feb 2014
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