J Caring Sci. 2017;6(1): 5-17.
doi: 10.15171/jcs.2017.002
PMID: 28299293
PMCID: PMC5348663
  Abstract View: 2276
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Original Research

The Impact of Comprehensive School Nursing Services on Students' Academic Performance

Deniz Kocoglu 1*, Oya Nuran Emiroglu 2

1 Public Health Nursing Department, Health Science Faculty, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
2 Public Health Nursing Department, Nursing Faculty, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
*Corresponding Author: Email: deniizkocoglu@gmail.com


Introduction: School nursing services should be evaluated through health and academic outcomes of students; however, it is observed that the number of studies in this field is limited. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of comprehensive school nursing services provided to 4th grade primary school students on academic performance of students. Methods: The quasi-experimental study was conducted with 31 students attending a randomly selected school in economic disadvantaged area in Turky. Correlation analysis, repeated measures analyses of variance, multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data with SPSS software. Results: At the end of school nursing practices, an increase was occurred in students’ academic achievement grades whereas a decrease was occurred in absenteeism and academic procrastination behaviors. Whilst it was determined that nursing interventions including treatment/ procedure and surveillance was associated to the decrease of absenteeism, it also was discovered that the change in the health status of the student after nursing interventions was related to the increase of the academic achievement grade and the decrease of the academic procrastination  behavior score. Conclusion: In this study, the conclusion that comprehensive school nursing services contributed positively to the academic performance of students has been reached. In addition, it can be suggested that effective school nursing services should include services such as acute-chronic disease treatment, first aid, health screening, health improvement-protection, health education, guidance and counseling and case management.

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Submitted: 01 Mar 2017
Accepted: 01 Mar 2017
ePublished: 01 Mar 2017
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